Engage into your own therapeutic art journal that allows you to express your emotions and thoughts through various art mediums. This painting journal is designed to promote self-discovery, relaxation, and healing through creative expression.
Included in Paint Package: 12 Paints, 5 brushes, Frankincense candle with Frankincense crystals for creativity, 100% Frankincense essential oil from India to enhance your creativity throughs and senses, water jar with lid, pdf on painting journal tips.
Painting Journal Package
Your complete painting journal kit comes with instructions, frankincense essental oil to bring out your creativity as you release and paint. Custom frankincense crystal candle to hold a flame and burn crankincense crystals as you paint. Five brushes, water jar, your choice of poster paints or acrylic paints. All packaged while channting healing mantras and Energy flow music to balance your doshas.